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19 August 2013

Vernacular Schools = Polarisation?


A bigot's views.

It seems that a certain group of misguided people have found a new passion in life, which is whacking vernacular education. They are obsessed with Chinese & Tamil Schools. You can sense their deep hatred with anything that does not conform to their narrow mindset. And one such person goes by the name of Narinder Singh, who works for FMT.

What's with these people and their fixation with vernacular schools anyway? They think they know better that the communities themselves? Do they think those parents who put their kids through vernacular education are stupid? Do these bigots  think that they are perfect role model citizens?

These people are perfect examples of bigots. And they are really starting to get on my nerves...

Below are excerpts from Narinder's article, blaming vernacular schools for, what else, the racial polarisation in Malaysia. Actually he whines and complains about pretty much everything, but hardly offers any solutions.

Race-based education policy and polarisation

by Narinder Singh
Full article here.

The fragmented education system has indeed “polarised” the minds of the different communities.
.... Racial schooling
"It is baffling that despite vernacular schools insisting that they adhere to national policies in delivering the education system, then why the need for such schools which revolve around a particular mother tongue?"....

If the writer is even "baffled" by the existence of vernacular schools, why on earth is the writer even writing about something he has zero understanding of? Did he ask his Chinese or Tamil friends? If he has any to begin with...
....It is time to abolish vernacular schools. Historically, they came into play as a by-product of settlements during the British Occupation. We stubbornly held on to it and what we have today is an in-direct culmination of racial sentiments in these establishments. Deny as much as we want, but the fact remains that when one is put thorough a homogeneous system, the outcome can only be biased and it is due to conditioning.
The same can be said for the his biased and ill-informed views. Don't you just love it when these people selectively quote history to justify their points? The British left behind more than just vernacular education. ..

Imagine a six-year-old being nourished for the next six to 11 years in a system where only one majority race exist. What do you expect if “racially inclined” thought process does not breed in the mind?
It is proven that the early formative years of education is the most vital and critical in carving the minds for future behaviour. In the same tone, why the issue of racial polarisation being heavily politicised by the opposition and even the government alike? ....
It is true that the formative years are important for a child. That is precisely the reason parents send them to vernacular schools at that age. The writer tries to be politically-correct by using "racially inclined" thought process, but it just highlights his hypocrisy. Just say what you mean, "racists". 

A racist will be a racist in any environment.

The fragmented education system has indeed “polarised” the minds of the different communities. This is the root problem in our society today. Every stakeholder shoves the blame on another for the racial discontent that we experience today. Nevertheless, they are nothing short of being hypocrites.

Take the bull by its horns if they indeed dare to look into the truth. The irony is at every change of guard at the education ministry, the game plan takes a twist.

Pot calling the kettle black. The root problem is people like you Narinder. People who cannot accept different cultures, races, languages. The real bigots are people like you, who tries so hard to hide these facts, and refuses to see the truth. They want everyone to live and believe in their make-believe world. They are living a lie.

...Racially-oriented education will only blossom into race-based polemics in all levels of our society. Almost every issue nauseously has been skewed on the lines of race. ...
What the heck is "racially-oriented education"??? You mean they actually teach kids to be racists in school??? There you go... the real reason for his discontent. Race again. And it is so convenient to blame vernacular schools because kids are easy targets. The writer doesn't even have the guts to be honest. You have a huge problem with race. That is your problem. Don't blame others, ok?

....Visit any tertiary education or even primary schools; you see groups of students socialising only with their own ethnic group. Having gone through the system, racial polarisation is indeed magnified multiple folds at tertiary level. We have race-based student societies, activities and even formal social gatherings.....
Again, blaming students, the helpless... why can't he just be honest. I suspect he doesn't go out much... My advice to him; come out of your cave once in a while, and take a stroll in the real world, go to the nearest restaurants for example, what do you see? Adults mingling with their own race. What about during festivals? People of the same race again! He would certainly find it a very disturbing sight. I'm sure after that he will be running back to his cave...

....We need a gigantic, herculean scale revamp of the education system. Racial polarisation will resolve only when we have a “Malaysian Education” and not race-based especially in the formative years of the young. It may take another generation when a citizen of this country identifies himself as a “true Malaysian.

A dish goes wrong when either its ingredients are incorrect or you have a half-past-six cook or both. In our education system, we have the perfect blend of both being lousy.....
You know what they say about empty vessels. His obsession with the Malaysian identity shows that he doesn't relate to his own culture and identity. Hence his crisis.

At the end of his tirade, he has failed to even mention the core issue with education, which is the quality and standard. All he can see is just race, race, race... Race is his real issue. Vernacular education is his excuse.

My observation has shown me that when someone tries too hard to show they are not racists and bigots, they usually are. If you are not, you will not have any issues with other races, cultures or language to begin with. You will be quite comfortable with who you are, and who the other person is.  

Kids don't form prejudices in their formative years in schools. At that age, it can only happen at home. 

It is formed in their later years, teens and adulthood, when they face the realities of life.

In life, polarisation exists everywhere. You will meet bigots or racists from every race. It doesn't mean that you have to carry racial stereotyping through life.

This Narinder Singh comes across as a very confused person, perhaps even someone with an identity crisis. And there are many of his kind running loose in this country who considers themselves as "true Malaysians". True nut-cases would be more accurate.

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