Selangor MB suggests Federal government review salary of PM and MPs - Bernama
Amid growing criticism over the pay hike for Selangor state assemblymen, Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (pic) today proposed that the Federal government review the salary of the Prime Minister and Members of Parliament. He said it was about time the Federal government take a similar approach to that of the Selangor state government... Source
Name your charity, Selangor tells assemblymen unhappy with pay rise
The Selangor government has taken its controversial “donation” call to assemblymen who reject the salary increment to the next level by preparing pledge letters for them.
Exco member Datuk Teng Chang Kim said those who felt the increment was too high should sign the letter authorising the assembly to donate their increment to charity.
"We will be glad to help you donate the money," he said, adding that the letters had been circulated by Sekinchan assemblyman Ng Suee Lim. - Source
I suppose the whole country is already aware of the Selangor state assemblymen, both BN & PR, impending windfall. Rejoice, people of Selangor, for starting next year, you will be represented by incorruptible, high income earners!
You know, the lack of common sense of some people never fails to amaze me. And their arrogance are even more amazing. Those that take the cake, however, are those who blindly defend and make excuses on behalf.
1. Income levels have absolutely no relation to corruption. Lack of integrity & morals is what leads to corruption.
2. Public office is not private sector. One just needs to be elected, the other have to prove their capabilities and knowledge or skills to be hired.
3. Politicians can give themselves raise their own salaries, employees can't.
4. Lastly, pointing out that you are less corrupt does not mean you are not.
Reasons given to justify such obscene increments are just plain dumb. Come on. Don't insult our intelligence. And it was most entertaining to see the 2 persons who got the highest increments, the Speaker & MB, trying to defend their ridiculous pay hike. I mean, do they seriously think they are talking to farm animals?
"Bad excuses are worse than none."
Actually, they can't even come up with a single good reason for it, because there is none. The only reason is greed. What else could it be when they give themselves half a million a year because they say they deserved it? To me, it is corruption. Only that it does not qualify to be termed as such because it is done legally. Why not go all the way then, since you think you deserve it?
Selangor is touted as a rich state with about RM1Billion in reserve. Again, rejoice Selangorians! After all the cost saving and frugal administration all these years, and telling the world how well they have performed, what do they do with the money? Help themselves to it of course! And the MB even tells BN to do the same so that he can have his cut? Do they even listen to themselves talking?

Tell me honestly, did any people from the state benefited directly from the state's funds? Has your life improved tremendously, if at all? A PR supporter I know in his 60s, who requires medical treatment, still has to find work to pay for his medical and living expenses. What is the point of going gaga over these political parties and their politicians if you don't benefit? Or were you mislead into supporting the wrong things in the first place? Things like governance, freedom, rights, ideologies, etc. are abstract, non-tangible.
Voters should be demanding for tangible things, like free medical care, affordable houses, clean water, free education, child allowance, benefits, subsidies, and such. Get the allocations for schools, childcare, medical care. You yearn for the way of life like those of developed countries? Well, Selangor is a developed state!
Demand these from your State Governments now when they have the funds. It is your right. If you don't, after they are done, there won't be any left. What is the point of voting them to office when you don't get anything? Think, people. Think! They are going for the money!
Politicians think they DESERVE it? Don't you, the people who put them there, think you DESERVE it too?
Today, the road conditions are still bad, water still dirty, open burning still going on, etc. The only thing the PR state govt. has done as soon as they took over the state in 2008 was to penalise consumers by implementing the stupid "no plastic bags day on Saturdays" and making shoppers pay 20 sen for each bag. That is all they are capable of?In light of recent events, it's about time the people of Selangor start questioning their ADUNs exactly what they have done FOR the people. Anyone with a bit of common sense can see that these politicians, both in BN & PR, are increasing their own salaries and incomes in light of rising living costs and inflation. Other states are following suit, Perak, Penang, Johor. Next will be the MP & Ministers' turn. In the coming years, they will be buffered and will lead a rather comfortable life while the people will be struggling to cope with rising costs. I doubt any employer out there will be as generous to their employees.
In the first place, there should not even be any increments at this time, amid a sluggish economy. Shouldn't governments be prudent and help the people instead of rewarding themselves? Afterall, they keep telling the people to be frugal and change lifestyle.
The voters have indeed been taken for a ride, and deservedly so. They were indeed a passionate lot when protesting fuel hikes, toll hikes, electricity hikes, or any other hikes. They were the loudest when in comes to criticising the Federal Government, but when it comes to their favoured political parties, they are apologetic.Hypocrites! Birds of a feather do indeed flock together.
It's sad to see the people taken advantage of like this. Now that you've seen their real intentions, do the decent thing and start looking out for yourselves for a change.
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