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02 March 2014

Capitalism System

This is illustration has been around for sometime. Most people have already seen it. But I thought it is pretty good and I'm posting this for the sake of posterity.

This is the world we live in. It accurately illustrates who actually controls countries and the world.

We often pin labels on different strata of society like Upper-middle class, middle-class, lower-class, etc. Well, to me those labels does not amount to anything. Those are merely labels created by sociologists & governments to make the people think that all of them are middle or upper-middle class, high class, etc.

It is a fact that the more educated the people are, so often referred to as the middle-class, the harder it is for the rulers to control. Depending on the country, some rulers will use religion. Some will use race. Some use class. You name it, they've tried it.

Even those in business are actually working for somebody else. Those who control the corporations and governments are the real rulers. Sometimes, even governments have to bow to them.

In modern society, the people have inadvertently become overly dependent on governments for practically everything. From basic needs like food & water to education & jobs. And you need to pay for it.

Just take the current water crisis in Selangor as an example and you will realise whom actually controls whom. You have to literally beg them to supply water. Same with houses, electricity, security, food & fuel. In other words, you are at their mercy.

Those who control the wealth of the country rules. The fight for this control of wealth is what politics is about. That control has never been in the hands of the common people. The people think they have the power, when they overthrow governments, hold rallies & protests. They do have that power but all for a fleeting moment or until the objective is achieved. It merely transfers that power to another group of rulers, and the cycle repeats itself.

But there was a time when the people were more independent. They had land to build their homes & grow their own food, had wells to draw water, wood & kerosene for fuel. Perhaps even weapons like a gun or two to protect themselves. Rarely do they need to pay for their basic necessities. They were more self-reliant and independent.

Now, people have to work, build & toil for others for money. Only to spend it back on the very things they themselves built & create for others. Isn't capitalism wonderful?

People have actually lost more than they've gained.

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