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10 June 2014

Shopping Blues

Everytime i buy something, especially groceries, inadvertently, on Saturdays, my blood pressure would shoot up a few notches. I would be stumped each time the cashier asks me whether I would like a shopping bag for my purchase, only to realise it was a Saturday a few seconds later. So, my Saturday shopping trips are ruined for the past 6 years, all thanks to the wonderful state government of Selangor.

Are those plastic bags? It's ok. No one will know if I put them in this trendy shopping bag.

Has anyone ever wondered how effective this No Plastic Bag Day campaign has been? How do you quantify it's success anyway? Do they weigh the amount of plastic bags on Saturdays and compare the results to the other days of the week?

Also, the dry season is already upon us. Water rationing might be a possibility during the coming months. The government don't know when yet, but it could be anytime. To some, going without water is only a small inconvenience compared to banning plastic bags.

I actually do care about the environment. But I also prefer too use my common sense. I am acutely aware of the importance of clean rivers which are the source of our water. So, 6 years on, do we have clean rivers? No! Do we get enough supply of clean water? Hell No!!! Because now they blame it on the shortfall of rain!!! And in case you have not noticed, most retailers have stopped giving those recycled carton boxes!

It is a stupid campaign, just like those who came up with it! It is stupid because a few plastic bags don't make a difference and there are bigger problems like polluted rivers! We have to put up with these moronic ideas because we have people with the IQ of cabbages runnning around, who can't even do their jobs in supplying water, much less save the earth!

Rant ends... till next Saturday...

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