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05 June 2014

The truth behind politics

Politics is one profession that does not require any qualifications. Anyone can become one if they choose to. You just need to be a good talker and entertainer. Once you are there, the world is your oyster...

So, for those of you who are getting nowhere in your careers but want a shortcut to the good life, politics beckons you. No special qualifications required, nor skills or talents. You don't need to build anything, save anyone nor sell anything. You don't even have to justify or prove yourself to your bosses (the people) but you do need to suck up to your superiors in your chosen party.

You just need to keep telling the people how hard you "work" and "sacrifice" for the country and how much you "care" for them. You must constantly remind the people to be grateful to you. And most importantly, always blame the other party for any failures and problems, and the people themselves for voting the wrong party.

Perks include, but not limited to, a good pay scale with double or triple increments every 5 years or so, lifetime pension, generous allowances and benefits plus overseas trips (working trips- if you want to be politically correct), and much more. Nobody knows what your job scope is and you just need to show your face every 5 years during election time...

After you are elected, just pretend that it's the people who control you, and then come up with laws to control them.

Don't you ever wonder why elected politicians have such good pay packages and benefits? Wouldn't you think that those who actually have to pick up a shovel 12 hours a day building or feeding the nation, would be better rewarded instead?

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