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27 April 2015

Nepal Earthquake

Nepal earthquake: Death toll rises above 3,000

At least 3,218 people are now known to have died in a massive earthquake which hit Nepal on Saturday, say officials.

Rameshwor Dangal, head of Nepal's disaster management agency, said another 6,500 people had been injured.

Dozens of people are also reported to have been killed in neighbouring China and India.

Thousands have spent a second night outside after the 7.8-magnitude quake, which also triggered deadly avalanches on Mount Everest.

Vast tent cities have sprung up in Nepal's capital, Kathmandu, for those displaced or afraid to return to their homes as strong aftershocks continue.

"We don't have a choice, our house is shaky. The rain is seeping in but what can we do?" 34-year-old shopkeeper Rabi Shrestha, who was sleeping by the roadside with his family, told AFP news agency.

Rescue missions and aid have started arriving to help cope with the aftermath of the earthquake, the worst to hit Nepal for more than 80 years.- Read More:

Nepal earthquake was a 'nightmare waiting to happen': Experts knew disaster was coming and were in Kathmandu preparing just a week ago.

  • Earthquake experts met in Kathmandu last week to plan for similar disaster
  • Scientists discussed how the overdeveloped area would cope with chaos
  • At least 2,500 people across four countries have died in the earthquake
  • Hundreds are still missing after avalanches buried Everest basecamp
  • The quake struck just 11km beneath ground making its force even more destructive

11 April 2015

The High Income MPs

Congratulations to our MPs whom just recently gave themselves an awesome pay hike which was passed in Parliament without a single objection. I suppose it was expected since the recent Selangor ADUN's massive pay hike not long ago. So much for austerity...

Since many swear by meritocracy and attracting talent with higher pay,  I wonder if finally, we will we be able to attract better quality people to serve us. Hahahaha... nah... that was a joke. Anyway, there are many who thinks they deserve the salary & allowance increments, which will more than double the current cost to the government. But hey, who are we to say otherwise...

Published: Saturday April 11, 2015 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Saturday April 11, 2015 MYT 12:27:28 PM

MPs give themselves a big raise 

PARLIAMENTARIANS have passed a Bill to raise their allowance from RM6,508 to RM16,000, a 146% jump.

The Members of Parliament (Remuneration) (Amendment) Bill was initially deferred for its second reading in last November after lawmakers sought to review the quantum of increase.

On Nov 28, MPs from both sides of the political divide agreed to relook the revision that will increase the allowance from RM6,508 to RM11,000.

The Bill, passed by the House yesterday without any objections, will also see the allowances for Senators increased from RM7,000 to RM11,000.

The allowance for the Senate president and the Dewan Rakyat Speaker was also raised from RM20,000 to RM31,000, while their respective deputies will see theirs revised to RM22,000, up from the initial proposal of RM16,000.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim said the new allowances would see the cost to the Government increasing from RM14.75mil to RM31.97mil a year.

MPs’ salaries have been revised in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2002 and 2005.

In the 2005 review, their basic pay was increased from RM5,916.90 (in 2002) to RM6,508.59, which is not inclusive of other benefits such as a RM1,200 driver’s allowance.


08 April 2015


This is a brief update on current issues making their rounds in the media.

GST (Goods and Services Tax)

GST has started.… Happy GST-ing!!! Well, the bottom line is, any form of tax is bad for consumers but good for the government. And it is really pointless comparing and scrutinizing the prices of every single purchase you make. Prices have been increasing due to rising costs compounded with inflation.

The government would have less problems and controversy if the rate is lower, say at 2%-3%, and minimal exemptions, which will create less shock to the system and less problems for everyone.

It is unrealistic to expect prices to fall after GST. Which is why I find it extremely patronizing and childish of the government & businesses for engaging in all the publicity exhorting absorbing GST or lower prices.

Anyway, things will cool down in a couple of months and the people will adjust to this new tax.

But the question remains, to pay or not to pay the "Service Charge" at the restaurants?

- Don’t pay extra charge if unhappy with service


Realistically, if the majority of Malays & Muslims want it, it will be implemented regardless of political affiliations. Many seem to forget that Islamic Laws are already enforced in Malaysia in the form of Shariah Laws applicable to Muslims but not for non-Muslims. Like it or not, Malaysia is more Islamised today than it was 50 years ago. The non-Muslims should really try to face reality and take a less confrontational approach. Also, the process of passing laws in the country is quite straightforward through voting in Parliament. If it gets enough votes, the bill gets passed and becomes law. Simple.

Anyway, I don't understand what the fuss is about, especially the hysterical reaction that DAP put up against PAS. It was after all, the DAP who asked the non-Muslims to support PAS. And now that PAS proposes the Hudud Bill, DAP blames he PAS President, UMNO, even MCA? Really?


Selangor roads are the worst! Okay, to be fair, most roads in the country are pretty shitty, but those in Selangor really are terrible. The same goes for other services such as rubbish collection, drain cleaning, trees and parks maintenance, etc. It is an absolute disgrace! What is happening before our eyes is a breakdown in management leading to dismal performance, efficiency and responsibility. And the result? Floods, potholes, and dengue outbreak.

Problem: Selangor still tops dengue cases in the country

Action: 87 developers in Selangor to be charged

Somehow, I don't think there will be any improvements anytime soon.


Well, it's a mess. Just sit back and enjoy the 'Animal Farm' because the people really don't have any say or control over political parties and the politicians. Following the political news is really tiring. Anyway,  I think the people will slowly come to realize who really has the upper hand. Those you put in power actually do not feel beholden to you.They actually have power over you.