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13 June 2013

GE13: What happened? And what now?

The title is gleaned from this interesting article which I would like to share:  GE13: What happened? And what now? (Part 1) ― Clive Kessler
And here's Part 2

The author's views and analysis were articulated very well.

An excerpt:

Yet ― as I noted in my summary review ― behind all its archaizing ceremonialism and cultural nostalgia, politics and political thinking within Umno is nothing other than Realpolitik of the most ruthlessly pragmatic kind. And realistically, Umno (if its interests, and nothing else, are to be the focus of analysis, as the party “hard men” insist) did not do at all badly.
Because, paradoxically, its political domination was enhanced, not diminished, by the election result ― despite the further decline in the government’s parliamentary numbers and the opposition’s advances.

Now, that's the truth.

While UMNO is distracting the people by saying they are weak, blaming the Chinese, the opposite is true. UMNO's position in BN is actually stronger than ever!

So... shouldn't UMNO be thanking the Chinese, specifically DAP, for scaring the Malay votes to UMNO's side?

Come on, be a sport and admit it.

Now, there's talk that Najib would be facing a tough fight in his party's election this year. The challenge would most likely come from the hard-liners, those 'ketuanan' types.

Personally, I like Najib. He comes across as a decent man, moderate, friendly, but most importantly acceptable to most Malaysians. Even a lot of the Chinese, who basically showed BN the middle finger last GE, likes him, or at least prefers him to........ Anwar. Shocking it may seem to some, but it's true.

Anyway, the Chinese doesn't matter to UMNO anymore.

As a parting note, for those who just can't wait for Najib to fall, well, be careful of what you wish for. You might not like the replacement.

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