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10 June 2013

Malaysia, Year 1

One month on, post GE13, which was held on 5 May 2013... I felt like penning my thoughts on Malaysia's happenings, social & political.

In my opinion, it's got to be one of the worst election in Malaysia's history. Unlike GE12 which was fun, this round was certainly an unhappy one.

Everyone's unhappy.

The winner's are not happy, because they hoped for a bigger win.

The losers are of course unhappy that they lost, naturally.

The voters are unhappy because, in their view, their preferred party did not do well.

The funny thing is, there were no absolute winner or losers.

The winners, didn't win all, but they won nonetheless. The losers didn't lose all either, they actually did pretty well, with a few states under their belt... So, it really depends on how you see it. Shouldn't the winners be happy that they won? Even the losers, didn't go home empty handed. They should be happy, considering the circumstances. One word: GREED.

You know what, the bigger losers are actually the apolitical voters. I am one of those from apolitical group. How could one be apolitical, or impartial, if one has obviously voted for a particular party, you may wonder. Well, I don't know about the rest, but I just vote based on my conscience. There is no right or wrong. I don't care who wins. But I do care that the one who wins might not be good for the country.

Even before polling day, I was already unhappy with how things went and how things would turn out.

I'm unhappy with the political culture.
I'm unhappy with the politicians.
I'm unhappy with the supporters.

This madness has to end at some point. Soon!

The people are being led by the nose by the politicians... the problem is, the people don't know it. The people are led to believe that they have the power to choose, that they have choices, that the politicians are listening and bowing to them, that they have people's power! They are indeed dreaming.

Things will never be the same from now on. This is the beginning. The beginning of our worries... This is Year One for Malaysia.

Yup. Welcome to Malaysia.... 

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