It is so convenient to blame everything on education, specifically Chinese education.
The reason people of various races in Malaysia are not united is because of Chinese education. Does anyone realise how silly it sounds?
MARA, UITM, MRSM, etc... they promote unity among races? What about those kebangsaan schools in Malay majority states, like Terengganu? Where are they going to find other races to mix with in school? How will the kids ever learn about unity?
I want to assure you that I have absolutely nothing against these institutions, but merely want to highlight the hypocrisy of those propagating that view.
Post GE13, everyone and his neighbour seems to be harping on unity/disunity. BN, PR, people on the street. We have to fix this problem, they say. The people are not united. It's always "the people".
When the government fails in it's duty, it's the people's fault. When political parties lose, it's the people's fault. It's never the government's or politicians' or leaders' fault. Racial polarisation? The people's fault. Alright, actually just certain people... to be exact, the Chinese.
I know I'm not the smartest person in the country, but the logic escapes me. So, there's racial polarisation as a result of voting for a certain party, thus creating disunity among the people, which was actually caused by Chinese education. Brilliant!
The sad thing is, people actually buy it.
United against what? United for what? The call for unity lacks a very important factor, the objective or cause. Are we not united as a country? really? If we were not united, Malaysia would have become 13 countries instead of one. Malaysians, regardless of race, are actually a pretty united lot. Just look at the Bersih rallies, the toll protests, etc.
Next... Chinese Education.
The mother of all our problems! so says some.
National schools started their downward trend since the switch to BM curriculum in the 70s. Not to mention the numerous tinkering to the syllabus which accelerated it's decline. It is most evident in the mission schools, which were once highly regarded. Some will deny this, but that's how I view it.
1. Most of the Chinese parents who were schooled in Kebangsaan schools, are now sending their kids to Chinese schools these days. Even those who enrolled in kebangsaan schools earlier, would later switch their kids to Chinese schools. Mind you, these parents do not speak nor read Mandarin. The whole generation of kebangsaan educated Chinese parents! Are they racists? They mixed with other races didn't they? They would have loads of Malay friends wouldn't they? So, what's the reason? Of course the government knows the reason, but they can't admit it.
2. And then, there are those who reminisce fondly of the good old days, pre 60's, a time when English was the medium of instruction. However, they did not factor in the different environment and type of students who went to school in those days. Those days, the percentage of kids attending formal schooling was low. Those privileged to attended come from different family backgrounds, upbringing, and most importantly, certain policies did not exist yet. On the other hand, note that May 13 happened during that era. So, I wouldn't say things were exactly 'muhibbah' back then. And the leaders who presided over Malaysia since then, until today, were the product of those schools. Not Chinese schools. All these people, politicians, senior civil servants, in BN & PR, some viewed as extremists, bigots & chauvinists, belong to that generation.
So, why blame Chinese schools? Why blame education? Instead, shouldn't we be more concerned about the syllabus and the quality of teachers?
And ever wondered why there are so many English medium private/international schools? Because there's demand!
Education should not be used to brainwash the kids, for spreading propaganda. It's main purpose is for learning, for knowledge, for instilling good values, discipline and ethics. But all around the world, it is misused to retard creativity, to spread government propaganda. Is it any wonder that youngsters these days lack manners, ethics, are ignorant of their cultures, materialistic and expect instant gratification. People no longer believe in earning an honest living. There is no longer any pride in their work. Their only objective is to amass wealth & possessions in the shortest time possible. Most of the time, you would only see their true character once they have found wealth.
Anyway, back to Unity.
Unity, true unity, is built on trust, harmony, understanding, and most importantly, acceptance. When the people can accept the truth, that Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural nation. Our different cultures, ethnicities, religions, languages, are what makes Malaysia, Malaysia.
Unity will come naturally when there are no longer prejudices & bigotry among the people.
Trying to create something we are not will only bring misery and unhappiness.
Find the middle path and the people will find happiness and the nation will prosper.

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