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12 January 2014

2014 Year of the Horse - Chinese Zodiac Forecast for Dragon


Born in: 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012


Magical, shrewd, intuitive, artistic and very lucky are the in the Dragon. Alternately, he can be stubborn, irritable and impulsive. At times, can also be rather worldly and hard to get close to. Full of vitality, self assured, bright and master of success. Somewhat proud and quick-tempered, the Dragon personality is always attractive.

The mighty and magnificent Dragon of mythical folklore never ceases to enchant or stir the imagination. The Dragon person is magnanimous and full of vitality and strength. To him life is a blaze of colors and he is constantly on the go. Egotistical, eccentric, dogmatic, whimsical or terribly demanding and unreasonable, he is still never without a band of admirers. Proud, aristocratic and very direct, the Dragon-born establishes his ideals early in life and demands the same high standards and perfection from others that he has for himself.

The powerful Dragon is difficult to contest, at times even impossible. He tends to intimidate those who dare challenge him. An angry, spurned Dragon could be like the big bad wolf at your door. He'll huff and he'll puff until he blows your house down.

In spite of his volcano of emotions, the Dragon cannot be said to be sentimental, sensitive or very romantic. He takes love and adulation for granted: they are his just due. But while he maybe stubborn, irrational and overbearing when irked, the Dragon can forgive you the moment he gets over his outbursts. And since things are supposed to work both ways, he expects your forgiveness for his errors, too.

The Dragon likes: Festivals, Control, Wealth, Comfort, Concerts, Antique and Decadence.
The Dragon dislikes: Boredom, Cold, Dullness, Hunger, Hypocrisy and Quietness.

Compatible Animals: Rat, Monkey, Rooster

Overall Forecast

Evil stars gather collectively to wreck havoc. Lucky stars are helpless. There will be vile people sowing discords during the year. Stay in low profile and be nice to everyone. Health luck is bad, and illness starts its invasion into your body. Take note of personal safety. Handle documents with extra care to avoid unnecessary litigation.

This year's luck is exceptionally bad, with many obstacles along your path. Adopt a defensive manoeuvre to get around it. Plan comprehensively in your business operations before moving forward. Vile people are causing lots of problems and enemies are encircling you as well. Just stay in a low profile and let the tide die down by itself. Do not rush on the decision making of any major business plans. Do your best to improve relations with your peers and don't go head-butt with your superiors. Students should really focus on their studies else grades will plummet.

Health status is terrible and illness causes its damage on your health. Food and personal hygiene are a concern as well as fatigue. Handle sharp objects with care and be vigilant when you are in the outdoor. Relationship luck with loved ones will be improved only if one embrace everything good and bad of the other person. Those who have someone in their mind should spur on.


It is not a good year for you. Any business plans at the start of the year, should be conservative. Disputes are surrounding you, which will affect your work progress.


Do not ask for troubles when you are holding a peaceful family life. The single is having good match while the married couple is leading to a honey life. Single has a great chance of meeting his/her Mr/Miss Right.


Be honest with your wealth. Do not overspend this year. You may entangle with huge losses if investments are not wisely analysed. Do consider the capricious macro environment.


Sickness stars surrounding you this year. Rest well and do not overwork. The elderly may suffer illness in the cold weather, be open minded and avoid getting angry to keep healthy.

Article sourced from

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