Is the Selangor government's performance impressive?
In the wake of Pakatan Rakyat politicians patting themselves on their backs for ostensibly their 'good' performance in governing their states, while their cheerleaders at large trying their best to justify their leaders' ridiculous paychecks and new cars, I thought it would be fun to list down my own set standards, just for the fun of it. More so, since PR politicians & their supporters like to set their own standards with regards to their accomplishments and achievements.
The general perception is that the people of Selangor are very happy and satisfied with the performance of PR. Among the achievements touted by the PR state government are; 2 Billion of surplus funds, transparency, corruption-free, increased investment, free water, etc...
Despite all that, has any of those factors had any meaningful impact on the people's everyday lives?
All I've seen and heard throughout the 5 year before GE13, and continues till now, are promises, excuses, and accusation. Day in day out, it's more of the same, BN and Federal Government's weaknesses, corruption, racism, religion, etc. Is this all the people want to listen to year after year?
It seems to me that the people are more interested in the wrongdoings and negative news about the BN government rather that their own welfare. Are Selangorians satisfied with what PR delivered so far? Do you still think PR politicians are still the victims, bullied by the big & powerful BN? Take a good look at the GE13 results... PR today is not the same as the PR in 2008. They have gained tremendous power, and today, we are starting to see the symptoms of arrogance brought about by having too much power.
The people believe everything they are told without question. Question! Always question! Don't let yourselves be led by politicians. Utilise your common sense and think!
There's a saying, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The people should not make the same mistake twice.
For me, being a rather down to earth person, I would just focus on the very basic issues, Things that have a direct impact on the everyday lives of the people. The basic needs of modern human society:
1. Food & Water
2. Shelter
3. Clothing
3. Healthcare
4. Education
5. Sanitation
Can the state government build affordable housing for the people? OF COURSE they can! States have land. They have PKNS. The people have waited 5 years for a concrete plan to address this basic need. But instead, we see more and more luxury housing mushrooming everywhere. None are even remotely affordable to the average person.Healthcare
It is no secret that healthcare is already unaffordable in not just Malaysia, but countries worldwide. Healthcare has become highly commercialised. I've yet to see any initiative by the state to help the people. Can't they at least set up state-sponsored clinics and hospitals that charge minimal fees? Or mobile clinics? Community health centres? At least something, however small would be better than nothing.Education
At the state level, can't the state provide assistance for education? For example, Chinese schools are always short of funds. They are practically privately funded. Every year, without fail, parents are requested to make donations for expenses, maintenance and expansion. Could the state provide some funding? provide land? subsidise school buses? subsidise student's uniforms or books?Sanitation
This needs no further highlighting I think. Selangor is still as filthy as before. The level of cleanliness is still as bad as 20 years ago. Partly to blame is the people's lack of civic-conciousness. Partly is the inefficiency of the states' municipal councils. Rubbish collection is inconsistent, drains are not maintained, pests not controlled, parks & gardens not well-maintained. However, they are very, very efficient when it comes to issuing compounds for illegal parking, illegal placement of tables and chair by coffeshop owners, basically, they are excellent in the collection of revenue.Roads
States are responsible for non-federal roads, and the federal government has allocations for it. There are recent reports that says that Selangor has only used half of the allocation of more that 1 Billion (NST). Which explain the 3rd-world condition of the roads. Most neighbourhood roads have not been paved for more than 15 years. Sometimes, you can see them paving ONE stretch of road, and then disappear leaving the rest untouched. ONE stretch of road! Or they would just repaint the lines.It's the same modus operandi as before, those visible will be dealth with. Those out of sight, is out of mind.
So, the question is, have they performed up to expectations like they claim they have. Have they improved the people's quality of life since 2008? Are they delivering the results they promised? I've not heard of a single enthusiastic comment from the common folks about how efficient state councils have become, or how tremendously their neighbourhood has improved, or initiatives that improved the people's welfare and alleviated their burden... something that the common people can be proud of. Perhaps the people's expectations are low...
Well, to me, to be honest, I have seen and felt little difference since Pakatan Rakyat took over the state. Perhaps I'm staying in the wrong part of town...
To be fair, it has not deteriorated badly either. It's just that why take credit which are not due and blow your own horns. There is so much that can be improved.
Let face it. PR took over developed and rich states. It does not take any effort at to administer it on their part. Where else in Malaysia will development take place if not in Selangor? If they can turn Perlis into Selangor, then I will be impressed.
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