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13 January 2014

2014 Year of the Horse - Chinese Zodiac Forecast for Snake


Born in: 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001 2013


Philosophical, wise, calm and understanding, though often fickle or self-indulgent. Elegant to the point of being ostentatious. Can behave selfishly if crossed. A Snake lady is also charming in personality and elegant in dress. She is receptive and a deep thinker and likes to judge by intuition. She is fortunate in wealth through her life.

Philosopher, theologian, political wizard, wily financier - the Snake person is the deepest thinker and enigma of the Chinese cycle. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom of his very own; a mystic in his own right. Graceful and soft-spoken, he loves good books, food, music, the theater; he will gravitate toward all the finer things in life. The most beautiful women and powerful men tend to be born under this sign. So if you are one of the Snake people, you are in good company.

A person of this sign generally relies on his own judgment and does not communicate well with others. He can deeply religious or psychic, or on the other hand, totally hedonistic. Either way, he trusts his own vibrations rather than outside advice. More often than not...he will be right.

The Snake likes: Mystery, Books, Extravagance, Warmth, Organising, Pets and Good Food
The Snake dislike: Surprises, Cold, Lending Money, Crowds, Vulgarity, Noise and Discomfort.

Compatible Animals: Monkey, Ox, Rooster

Overall Forecast

There is a big change in your luck this year. Although there are many unfavourable stars gathering together, there are a few very favourable stars to dissolve the negative energy and surface positive energy. There may be minor illness here and there. Wealth luck is flat, but you may lose a sum of money, so beware. Romance luck is brewing strong. For those who are attached already, be faithful.

Because there are illness stars wrecking havoc, you must not overwork lest you get work fatigue. Maintaining a calm heart will ensure you will not get inflicted by severe illness. Since this year does not allow you to ride on a good wave for career development, it is advisable to adopt defensive measures. It is pertinent to improve your relationship with peers and colleagues, so that works and social life can be smooth sailing, or else you will be ostracized. Invest only small amount or else you losing will be big.

Because you may be effected badly by illness, you have to watch your diet and personal hygiene. Overwork will wreck your health. Seek medical treatment promptly rather than delaying until emergency treatment. Students have to stay fit and healthy to keep up good grades. It is a good time for you to go all out to find your destined one. Stay clear of illicit sex.


Although you may face some changes under the stability, it is a good opportunity to innovate or explore new venture, just aware of bad changes. Base on the careful planning and the basis of reality, you may strike a fortune by your determination and hard work. there will be a chance of pay rise as well for working class people if the environment is harmonic enough.


Your love luck is driving towards its peak, all negative element will be gone this year. Be faithful if you are attached. Do not focus too much on relationship and overlook on your career.


Wealth luck is vague, so avoid speculative money and making activities or gambling. Be frugal. do more good deed.


Most of the illnesses that strike you id due to the lack of a healthy lifestyle. Keep to a regular exercise programme which is good for your health condition.

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